[焦点关注] 中国汽车销量何时再增长
中国汽车销量何时再增长 2020 外媒大量报道中国近两年汽车销售大幅度下滑。2019年汽车销量为2500万,相比2018下降10%。 中国汽车销量何时再增长
中国汽车销量何时再增长 2020 外媒大量报道中国近两年汽车销售大幅度下滑。2019年汽车销量为2500万,相比2018下降10%。 中国汽车销量何时再增长
Singulato Motors - Company HomePage ingulato Motors is the new energy vehicle brand of Chi Che-hung Technology Co., Ltd,. Singulato was founded in December, 2014 in Beijing as an internet…
中国经济增长率能否保持6% (未来十年) 2020 外媒都在预计中国经济增长率不能保持在6%,预计低于5%。说贸易战造成中国大量失业,外资出逃。 那我们走着看。
China World Auto Life Random Images This Month
Polestar 2 in battle with Tesla model 3 in Chinese market Polestar 2 price in China: 298,000 Yuan, exactly same as Tesla Model 3 in China. 看看这款售价从29.8万起,直接目标对手是特斯拉Model 3的极星2 极星 2的车身尺寸与Model…
VW Passat becomes the worst car in Chinese crash test 2019.12: this is shocking result, nobody ever expected this bad crash test result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DvK0IzmUZc
Senova D50 C-IASI Crashworthiness Tests So it is NOT so good, while Senova is based on old Saab. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FOr184ctpI Manufactured by: Beijing Automobile Co.Low-Speed (RCAR) - POccupant Protection - M…
曾几何时,驻外使馆多么的寒酸 Chinese Embassy UK 2010后中国驻外使馆都彻底富裕起来了 曾几何时,驻外使馆是多么的寒酸 现在,每个驻外使馆即使购置3000万美元的豪华馆址,再配备20台10万美元级别的 豪车,外加800万美元的其它配置,每个主要国家的中国大使馆投入也不过4000万美 元。 200个国家,平均每个使馆投入2000万美元,也才40亿美元,对现在的中国财政来说, 真是九牛一毛。
Fuyao Glass Industry Group, the world's largest glass producer for the car industry
The 10 Most Expensive Cars Coming Out In 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBosmICXv-o
China launches ‘Sky Eye’ telescope to hunt for life in space The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) is the world's largest single-dish telescope; it is situated in China's Guizhou Province.…
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70年代初期的中国 China before 2000
Geely Auto Sales Number 2019 Geely Auto Sales Number: 1,361,560 unitsThis does not include Volve cars. Geely cumulative sales in 2019 were 1,361,560. With a sales volume of over 1.36…
Geely in talks to pump cash into Aston Martin The Chinese company is conducting due diligence as it looks at taking a stake in the UK group, which is in…
BMW M3 - Tuning of a BMW M3- BMW's true beauty
Understanding Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98DXe3uKwfc
Header image display not correct on Mobile not centered NO ACTION: this is chrome browser specific, same on PC. Firefox, UC Browser no problem.
The Enovate ME-S is a fully electric Chinese supercar 天际汽车 This is a Chinese supercar concept. It is called the ME Sports (ME-S for short) and arrives from a new…
Weltmeister Electric SUV EVOLVE This car will be officially mass-produced in 2021. It is the latest SUV Weimar EVOLVE, which has attracted much attention as soon as it debuted. It's…
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China is the largest market of Mercedes-Benz cars In 2019, Mercedes-Benz delivered 2.5463 million new vehicles in the global market, and Mercedes-Benz and the smart brand broke the sales record for the…
Mercedes-Benz Global Sales Number In 2019, Mercedes-Benz delivered 2.5463 million new vehicles in the global market, and Mercedes-Benz and the smart brand broke the sales record for the same period;…
China is the largest market of BMW cars (2019: 723,680 units) 2019: The entire BMW Group accounts for an increase of 1.2 percent compared to a year earlier. This requires…
Bordrin iV6 crossover electric car: E-Range 610km In China, another electric car startup, Bordrin Motors is in the starting blocks. By means of a joint venture with FAW Xiali, Bordrin…
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黄旭华和曾庆存获国家最高科技奖 个人奖金增至800万 两弹一星时,才能奖励几十员,那个时候太穷了 2019年度国家科学技术奖励大会今天(10日)上午在人民大会堂举行,中国工程院院士黄旭华和中国科学院院士曾庆存分获国家最高科学技术奖。 “中国核潜艇之父”黄旭华 黄旭华,中国工程院院士,中国第一代攻击型核潜艇和战略导弹核潜艇总设计师,被誉为“中国核潜艇”之父。正是他带领着我国一批科研人员隐姓埋名,刻苦攻坚,让中国人有了一柄不再受人威胁的“利剑”。 2019年9月17日,国家主席习近平签署主席令,授予黄旭华“共和国勋章”。 个人奖金增至800万 从2019年1月起,国家最高科学技术奖的奖金从500万涨到800万。 之前的奖金是500万元,其中50万归个人,450万元由获奖人自主选题,用作科学研究经费。 从去年开始,不仅大奖获得者奖金提升到了800万元,而且分配结构也进行改革,奖金全部归属个人支配,国家科学技术奖三大奖奖金额度也同步提高50%。 目前,已有刘永坦、钱七虎、曾庆存、黄旭华四名科学家获得800万。 据媒体报道,在去年得奖后,钱七虎院士将800万元奖金全部捐献出来,用于慈善事业,在家乡昆山成立助学基金。 据《科技日报》报道,今天在被问到800万奖金如何花这个“俗”问题时,黄旭华说: “800万我现在还没概念,我曾经和大家讲过,这个钱我不要,给了会变成我的负担,处理不好会惹祸。我会和单位好好商量一下,至少要拿出相当一部分给我们单位设立一个奖励基金。具体现在还没计划,不能夸海口。”
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