[Gallery 2] RedFlag HongQi H9 (V6 3.0T 248KW)

RedFlag HongQi H9 (V6 3.0T 248KW) 红旗H9搭载3.0升V6机械增压发动机,最大功率248千瓦,峰值扭矩445牛米,匹配DCT400型双离合变速箱,0-100km/h加速时间小于8秒。新车后续还将推出2.0T+48V的轻混版本, The Hongqi H9 is equipped with a 3.0-liter V6 supercharged engine with a maximum power of 248 kilowatts and a peak torque of…

Xpeng P7 officially on sale ($32,000 – $50,000)

Xpeng P7 officially on sale ($32,000 - $50,000) 小鹏P7共推出了后驱长续航版、后驱超长续航版和四驱高性能车型可供选择,其中后驱长续航版车型电池组容量70.8kWh,后驱超长续航版和四驱高性能车型电池组容量80.9kWh,车辆的最长续航可达706km。 Xiaopeng P7 has launched a total of rear-drive long-endurance version, rear-drive super-long endurance version and four-wheel drive high-performance models to choose…

Weltmeister EX5-Z Electric SUV 2020 model ($23,000 – 30,000)

Weltmeister EX5-Z Electric SUV 2020 model 紧凑型纯电SUV,新车可视作现款威马EX5的换代车型,主要针对外观细节和配置上进行了一定的升级。整个车头设计饱满厚重,轮圈尺寸与车身比例协调,典型城市SUV的设计。 The compact pure electric SUV, the new car can be regarded as a replacement model of the current Weimar EX5, mainly for the…

[Export] Anti Coronavirus prevention materials export values

Anti Coronavirus prevention materials export values 海关总署今天(1日)公布,3月1日至4月30日,全国共验放出口主要防疫物资价值712亿元。包括:口罩278亿只,防护服1.3亿件,新型冠状病毒检测试剂盒7341万人份,红外测温仪1257万件,呼吸机4.91万台,病员监护仪12.4万台,护目镜4363万副,外科手套8.54亿双。 The General Administration of Customs announced today (1st) that from March 1st to April 30th, a total of 71.2 billion yuan worth of…

[Naturalization] [1] New Attacking Forces Chinese National Team

New Chinese football Players 支持规划: 不拘一格降人才,为中国而战 新的前锋进攻能力, 归化球员 拿出 30亿美元制定10年规划计划每个顶级规划球员投入1亿美元规划10个顶级球员国足5/5开(五个规划球员+五个本土球员+本土守门员)All those naturalized new Chinese players will be proud to fight for the future super power, they make history while most…