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overlay two images online Good tool: - Car image on Left side, Gal on Right. Drag the CROSS to right or keep it as original center.- Gal image will be…
Online Text Editor -- add text to image https://www.befunky.com/create/text-editor/ This one is using Edo Font:
The smartphone images too big 1000px width big enough I downloaded and installed this: http://www.bricelam.net/ImageResizer/ After install, Start - Search: Image Resizer 4 make a shortcut on desktop. ==> It…
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Walkthrough: Compile a C program on the command line https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb384838.aspx
Pagination does not work Click on Next it does not show the next page of comments. Settings -> Discussion Settings -> Break comments into pages Good news is: it does…
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How to debug PHP to solve WP export file import error when importing a wordpress export file, it shows a popup asking to save admin.php. this problem was there for…
very important: after you have created the child theme folder, you must ACTIVATE it, otherwise of course it will not work. wautom uses this child theme: mesocolumn-wautom it15 uses this…
Child Theme for it15 This topic applies to WAUTOM too. When using a child theme for it15, the old layout (style) is gone, does not work more. This is the…
LeTV Sport: Cannot watch this: http://sports.letv.com/match/27555003.html#highlights/24584624 你不能看就算了,居然還讓我們看完了你們的廣告,才說沒辦法看,真的是很沒天良... 所以,真的沒辦法了,只能找VPN跳板,來當當大陸人了,沒想到,大陸口口聲聲說台灣是中國的一部份,原來還是這麼「見外」,常常聽到大陸人都要用跳板才能看台灣的網站,沒想到,我們台灣居然也要用跳板,才能跳回大陸看影片。 這不就跟「婚姻」一樣嗎?在外面的人想進去,在裡面的人想出來... 什麼是跳板?什麼是VPN? Virtual Private Network 簡單的說,就是找個「代言人」的意思,這讓我想到一段劇情,用來形容VPN,是再貼切不過了。 VPN這種東西,一般都是用在公司,比如說,出差的員工可以透過VPN連線,連至公司的區域網路,這樣雖然人在遠方,可是卻可以存取公司區網的資料,就好像人也在公司內部一樣。 VPN Solution Link
The origins of chess are not exactly clear, though most believe it evolved from earlier chess-like games played in India almost two thousand years ago.The game of chess we know…
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Huawei P6 usage How to view all those downloaded files and music songs? If you connect Huawei to PC using Camera (PTP), then you can only see the camera photo's.…
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