[2021.07.20] Lithuania Taiwan Office 立陶宛 【断交 全面封杀小丑立陶宛人员交往】
Lithuania Taiwan Office Taiwan to use its own name at new Lithuania office Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said the new mission in Vilnius would be called the Taiwanese Representative…
Lithuania Taiwan Office Taiwan to use its own name at new Lithuania office Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said the new mission in Vilnius would be called the Taiwanese Representative…
If war breaks out 解决台湾问题最简单的办法就是拿出年军费(3000亿美元)的1/3一年内扩充核武库至2000枚,并公开宣布核武数目及如外军介入台湾战争,中国必将使用战术核武。你再看谁还敢在台湾问题上瞎BB。本来花一点小钱就能解决的一个简单的事,被一群庸才搞得这么复杂难堪。
Chinese government attitude 中国高层毫无疑问会武力统一台湾 This speech was in 2020, 21 years ago https://twitter.com/99happiness99/status/1417472083496476682
US navy warships passing Taiwan Strait Simple: 海空军全程跟踪监控即可
First Taiwan Arms Sale in Biden Administration Is Approved
Another US C-130 landing in Taiwan https://twitter.com/dw_chinese/status/1417056479534882821
US: Not accepting China's claim in South China Sea 美国务卿:不接受中国的南中国海非法主权主张 与面临胁迫的东南亚国家站在一起
US C-146 Landing in Taiwan
US C17 Landing in Taiwan
Key Info: Hainan Dao is 1320 kilometres (819 miles) from the Philippines. Hainan Dao is 1180 kilometres (734 miles) from Spratly Islands.
中新网11月23日电 中国政府23日宣布在东海上空划设防空识别区。外电外媒纷纷报道,称这显示中国在海洋争端上变得更为自信,但与日本防空识别区部分重叠,可能会激怒日本。