[KJ-600] Xian KJ-600 AWACS surveillance aircraft
China’s new KJ-600 surveillance aircraft completes latest test flight China’s New Carrier Early-Warning Plane Is More Than A Hawkeye Clone AWACS, abbreviation of Airborne Warning And Control System
China’s new KJ-600 surveillance aircraft completes latest test flight China’s New Carrier Early-Warning Plane Is More Than A Hawkeye Clone AWACS, abbreviation of Airborne Warning And Control System
YJ-18 Anti Ship Missile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqUn56din7I
The small and powerful PCL171 ultra-light self-propelled howitzer is a big killer for PLA's rapid reaction forces PCL-171新型车载榴弹炮 The PCL-171 is an assault vehicle-mounted 122 mm self-propelled howitzer used by…
WZ-10, the Chinese landforce new toys
Chinese PLA Main Battle Tank T-96
China’s DF-21D Missile Is a One-Shot Aircraft Carrier Killer
Treaty banning nuclear weapons approved at UN Supporters hail step towards nuclear-free world as treaty is backed by 122 countries LINK
DF 41 ICBM range 14,000KM DF-41 ICBMD 载重上限: 2000kg 弹头: 一枚1600公斤的550万吨级当量热核弹头 2. 6枚250公斤65万吨级当量热核弹头 3. 10枚25万吨位当量热核弹头 4. 3枚100万吨当量热弹头 精度(即"圆周概率误差",CEP):100~500米 发射准备时间:3~5分钟 射程. 2000~15000千米
Good analysis of China expanding nuclear forces in 2021 This is a MUST READ article over Chinese nuclear forces https://fas.org/blogs/security/2021/07/china-is-building-a-second-nuclear-missile-silo-field/ China is getting richer and more powerful. Big powers have…
China Is Building A Second Nuclear Missile Silo Field 难道不是建在大量的深山隧道背面吗? 我不相信这是发射井,因为如何维护?人员在哪里维护值班,又没有地下通道连接。 不过,井底维护也不是个大事,梯子下去,里面有值班室。 Protecting ICBMs against non-nuclear attack: All existing DF-5 silos are within range of US conventional cruise missiles. In…
Chinese space station up & running
A short introduction of China Space Activity and a photo gallery
Chinese Navy Type 075 amphibious assault ship China launches amphibious assault ship, giving a big boost to its coastal warfare capabilities 40,000+ Tons
DongFeng warrior military jeeps on the grassland not so long ago it was the horses riding on grasslands 猛士车在草原狂奔 “东风猛士”是一款主要供军事用途的越野型载货汽车,其外形式样与美国的悍马汽车相似但在性能方面比悍马更胜一筹。
US M1 Abrams vs Chinese Type 99 - Tank Battle (Military Comparison) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnXKNNcSUv8
Carrier based J-31 Stealth Fighter 2020 ->
China’s ‘aircraft-carrier killer’ missiles successfully hit target ship in South China Sea, PLA insider reveals China’s ‘aircraft-carrier killer’ missiles successfully hit target ship in South China Sea, PLA insider reveals…
China Conducted Successful Suborbital Test Of Reusable Spaceplane
Will Pakistan get Chinese J-10C? News from the Pakistan Institute of Strategic and International Affairs (HSIA) said that the Pakistan Air Force will receive 36 Chinese-made J-10C fighter jets, as…
PLA Main Battle Tank T-96
DF-17 Hypersonic Glide Vehicle: A Real Killer The People’s Liberation Army on Oct. 1, 2019 revealed a new hypersonic missile that could pose a major threat to U.S. forces in…
Long March 5B rocket launch Success China’s first Long March 5B rocket launches on crew capsule test flight Flying without astronauts on a demonstration flight in Earth orbit, a test…
Chang'e-5 lunar probe has taken off by Longmarch-5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m7cq1lLO7I&feature=emb_rel_pause 专题:“嫦娥五号”奔月:https://news.sina.cn/zt_d/cewhby2020
PLAAF J-16 4++ fighter jets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTTpOxCkBg4
Chinese new heavy Fighter Bomber J-16
China, Russia To Join Forces For Manned Moon Missions
J-20 specifications and engines and AESA 五代机的几大性能: 4S 4s,即:Stealth(隐形);Super Sonic Cruise(超音速巡航能力);Super Maneuverability(超机动能力);Superior Avionics for Battle Awareness and Effectiveness(超级信息优势) 歼20是成飞研发的,是重型战斗机,高性能,远航程,但是造价高,不易大量建造,类似于美国的F-22; 歼31是沈飞研发的,是轻型战斗机,性能不错,航程适中,性价比高,可以批量装备,类似于美国的F35。这是为了高低搭配。 歼击机,即用于在空中消灭敌机和其他飞航式空袭兵器的军用飞机,也称战斗机。第二次世界大战时期曾广泛称为驱逐机。 歼击机的主要任务是与敌方歼击机进行空战,夺取空中优势(制空权)。其次是拦截敌方轰炸机、强击机和巡航导弹,还可携带一定数量的对地攻击武器,执行对地攻击任务。歼击机包括要地防空用的截击机,但自20世纪60年代以后,由于雷达、电子设备和武器系统的完善,专用截击战斗机的任务已由制空战斗机完成,截击机不再发展。歼击机是航空兵空中作战的主要机种,也可用于执行对地攻击任务。
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