Painting the ROOF: use different VERF
use different VERF 应该用那种起褶皱的VERF
use different VERF 应该用那种起褶皱的VERF
Xpeng delivered G3 to Bjørn's home - it looks really not bad
XPeng G3 – Flamboyant Electric SUV for Just $20, 000
往事只能回味 - 忆童年时竹马青梅 (宋小宝) 往事只能回味 作曲:刘家昌 歌词:林煌坤 歌手:尤雅 时光一逝永不回 往事只能回味 忆童年时竹马青梅 两小无猜日夜相随 春风又吹红了花蕊 你已经也添了新岁 你就要变心像时光难倒回 我只有在梦里想依偎
Life Without Regrets - Infinite Apologies 女:好久没联络现在你过的怎么样忘不掉昨日的时光男:就算各一方依然把你放心上这段情怎能说忘就忘女:相逢的泪水忍不住流淌男:多情的话语已变的凄凉女:无怨无悔爱一场不哭不散说离殇爱你爱到泪俩行哭湿枕头又何妨男:越爱越深越疯狂一首情歌俩人唱和你相遇老地方合: 莫让爱人哭断肠
China World Auto Life Random Images
2019 - 2020 Football Competition NOS Studio Sport Eredivisie
Princes MM Acacia's debt 相思的債
W Motors is set to open the first hypercar factory in the Middle East Read Detail Report
RedFlag HongQi brand street gallery 三次复兴均失败,徐留平为什么就救活了红旗汽车
Small gallery RedFlag HS5 SUV The red flag HS5 power configuration new car adopts the self-developed 2.0T engine, the maximum power is 165 kW, the peak torque is 340 Nm,…
Street life in China Street life in China -- good for common people to have a normal happy life just smile smile and be happy
Belarus: Hongqi RedFlag L5 在豪车界,劳斯莱斯更加有名气,但是,白俄罗斯还是决定购买中国的红旗L5来作为元首座驾,而“一汽”在接到这个订单之后,日夜兼程,打造出了两台敞篷版的红旗L5,同时通过专机运送至白俄罗斯。 红旗L5型轿车是红旗牌轿车的最高端车型。作为国产顶级豪华轿车,市场售价高达500万元人民币,不过定制版的阅兵车,价格则会更高。 HongQi L5: $700,000
Geely ICON Compact SUV Life Show
Video & Photos in Crazy China
290 Haval H6 Cars join Bulgaria's Police Force
UFC - Tony Ferguson
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ChangAn Oshan X5 SUV 2020 model 长安欧尚官方公布一组全新SUV欧尚X5伪装图片,该车将搭载全新1.5T蓝鲸发动机,并将在今年内上市。从其尺寸和命名来看,其家族定位将低于欧尚X7,作为参考,欧尚X7目前的官方指导价为7.77-12.77万元。 Changan Oshan officially announced a set of camouflage pictures of the new SUV Oshan X5. The car will be equipped with a new…
NIO wins "Best of Best" at the Automotive Brand Contest with ES6 MUNICH, Germany, May 5, 2020 NIO Inc. (NIO) (NYSE: NIO) - The Chinese electric car manufacturer NIO has…
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2019 FAW AUDI A6L C-IASI Crashworthiness Tests
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RedFlag HongQi HS5 2.0T发动机,参数为224ps和340N·m 2.0T engine: 224ps and 340N · m
BYD Tang EV 600 comes to Europe BYD Entering Europe This Year Via Norway With Tang EV600 Electric SUV. BYD Auto, China’s biggest electric vehicle manufacturer (and the world’s second-biggest…
Full Matches 【录像】韩国VS德国 Can only find in Huaren TV now
BYD Han EV - NEDC 605KM 3.9秒破百,外形不输奥迪,内饰不输奔驰 高颜值、豪华内饰、刀片电池、3.9秒百公里加速以及最长605km的续航,充分表明了这款车的雄心壮志。至于它能否建造起自己的“大汉帝国”,相信等上市价格发布后,便能预知一二。
2020 Faraday Future FF91 Prototype First Drive | It's actually happening It is a beautiful car, way cooler than Tesla, but also far more expensive, around $200,000
ChangAn CS85 SUV Coupe 2019 model In terms of power, the CS85 COUPE is equipped with 1.5T and 2.0T engines. The former has a maximum power of 131kW and a…
Maybach Mercedes S650 迈巴赫S级将取消V12的发动机,取而代之的是4.0T V8涡轮增压发动机加上电动机组成的混合动力系统
BMW X7 2020 model 作为一款大型SUV,它的轴距达到了3105mm,车身长度达到了5163mm,高度也达到了1835mm 动力方面,实拍车型搭载的是一台3.0T直列六缸发动机,匹配8AT变速箱,0-100km/h加速时间6.1秒。 而它的顶配版搭载的则是一台4.4T V8发动机,0-100km/h加速时间只需要4.7秒。 In terms of power, the real shot model is equipped with a 3.0T inline six-cylinder engine, matched with 8AT gearbox, and 0-100km…
RedFlag HongQi H9 (V6 3.0T 248KW) 红旗H9搭载3.0升V6机械增压发动机,最大功率248千瓦,峰值扭矩445牛米,匹配DCT400型双离合变速箱,0-100km/h加速时间小于8秒。新车后续还将推出2.0T+48V的轻混版本, The Hongqi H9 is equipped with a 3.0-liter V6 supercharged engine with a maximum power of 248 kilowatts and a peak torque of…
BYD Qin Pro EV - NEDC 520KM The Qin Pro EV500 is equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a maximum power of 120kW (163PS), a peak torque of…
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RedFlag HS7 Flagship SUV
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What is TikTok and why does it own What is TikTok and why does it own Chinese video platform TikTok has taken over, merging the two app…
Atomic bombing of Nagasaki
Hiroshima: Dropping The Bomb - Hiroshima
Dresden Bombed To Atoms: World War II (1945)