5 facts about Xiaomi’s new electric car company
5 facts about Xiaomi’s new electric car company 5 facts about Xiaomi’s new electric car company https://technode.com/2021/09/03/five-things-to-know-about-xiaomis-new-electric-car-company/
5 facts about Xiaomi’s new electric car company 5 facts about Xiaomi’s new electric car company https://technode.com/2021/09/03/five-things-to-know-about-xiaomis-new-electric-car-company/
苏慧伦 Lemon tree Tarcy Su-Lemon tree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iHIXIGrXvE https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4bxTr4ktiNo&list=RDAMVM4D1cu1ITlG4
Moths to the fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FTy7hBvwBM
邓紫棋《喜欢你》 我是歌手第二季 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ1g8ShGaVU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siYDPB2K0t0
Passion of Love https://youtu.be/6SWnUQaroU8
BYD OCEAN-X Concept BYD promises a range of 1,000 km and states that the Ocean-X will pop from 0 to 100 in 2.9 seconds. BYD officially launches e-Platform 3.0, unveils…
Japan (日本) 7 x 4 Angola Full Highlights - Futsal World Cup 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FO_ZIad1hc8
China’s Type 003 aircraft carrier under construction The Type 003 aircraft carrier is a planned aircraft carrier of the People's Liberation Army Navy's aircraft carrier programme. The Type 003 will…
New Attacking Forces Chinese National Team in real matches 北京时间9月7日晚,2022年世界杯预选赛亚洲区12强赛B组中国队0-1不敌日本队,国足在下半场换上阿兰和洛国富后,4名归化球员集体上阵。换人后,国足在前场拼抢方面提升,给日本队造成了一些压力。
Chinese government attitude 中国高层毫无疑问会武力统一台湾 This speech was in 2020, 21 years ago https://twitter.com/99happiness99/status/1417472083496476682
Jack Ma 马云(1964年9月10日-),祖籍浙江嵊县,生于浙江杭州,中国企业家,中国共产党党员。曾为亚洲首富、阿里巴巴集团董事局主席(董事长),他是淘宝网、支付宝的创始人,大自然保護協會中國理事會主席兼全球董事會成員,華誼兄弟董事。
Sasha Alex Sloan - Dancing With Your Ghos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzc_aX8c8g4
GWM & Haval images
Within you'll remain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wrXCeomeSA
US navy warships passing Taiwan Strait Simple: 海空军全程跟踪监控即可
Cool football images
Parking garage in China https://twitter.com/lsjngs/status/1436741326469357575
LiXiang ONE Sales & Production & Finance
Too Softhearted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxhA3_KzsOg
Marc Anthony - I Need to Know (Official Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLVzw9wVd9o
White Fox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VOhHJxQPR4
little sister number nine https://youtu.be/Lf1ARiU4rMs
All in a sudden yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9CpPehHb80
Xpeng P5 Test Drive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYoMRT_PHhw
Average wage in 27 Chinese major cities 2018 In the third quarter of 2018, the average monthly salary of major cities nationwide was 7,847 yuan. Among them, the company continued…
Lotus expands significantly in China to rival Porsche Lotus expands significantly in China to rival Porsche Lotus will compete with Porsche in China. Lotus unveiled plans for seventy new showrooms…
It's still possible 第一场被澳大利亚3:0打爆,但:澳大利亚本来就是一只亚洲强队,FIFA排名30多。就当我们放澳大利亚一马,下面还有9场比赛,包括再次对阵澳大利亚,都有得打。关键,首发,阿兰。
A New Journey for SERES October 7, 2020, the first shipment of 200-unit SERES 3 to Germany. This is a remarkable foothold for us since DFSK (DongFeng XiaoKang) has the…
Euro-NCAP Crash test Lynk & Co 01 - 5 STARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGO520Qcgkc
Euro-NCAP Crash test NIO ES8 - 5 STARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c10z2q_GOs0
LYNK & CO 01 in Europe
Travel in XiZang Tibet
China City Video's https://twitter.com/lsjngs/status/1428939067618566154
Nio ES8 automatic driving with Mobileye in Germany After years of test fleets and runs, Intel's Mobileye says it's time for the real thing. The company wants to start offering…
WC Qualification 全是日本队在控球进攻表演,中国队根本拿不到球,技术差距怎么会这么大 整个上半场完全放弃进攻,下半场最后30分钟才换上阿兰等才有点起色。
China's biggest car brand to launch rival to Tesla https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56493572
空军司令员常丁求 此次晋升上将军衔的军官是:西部战区司令员汪海江、中部战区司令员林向阳、海军司令员董军、空军司令员常丁求、国防大学校长许学强。 常丁求出生于1967年,湖南衡阳人,1984年招飞入伍,曾任空军航空兵某飞行团团长,空军歼击航空兵第三师副师长、师长,空军参谋长助理,原沈阳军区空军参谋长,南部战区副司令员,中央军委联合参谋部副参谋长等职。 2015年9月3日,在纪念抗战胜利70周年阅兵中,即将达到空军歼击机飞行员“最高飞行年限”的常丁求担任“歼10”梯队领队,带领15架歼-10A组成三个楔形编队飞跃天安门上空,他也是受阅将领中最年轻的一位。 2017年10月,常丁求当选为十九届中央候补委员。
The Official GLORY 78 Press Conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-1hUoRF8mY HOW TO WATCH GLORY 78GLORY 78 on September 4, 2021 is exclusively available at www.gloryfights.com. GLORY 78 will NOT air on TV. GLORY…
China vs Australia 预计今晚中国 2:1 拿下澳大利亚
Big Wind Blows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKs7Z5gUS_U
GWM Haval H9 Extreme off-road challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PccxCYXuh_Y