Hozon U model EV SUV (哪吒U) ($22,000 – 30,000)
Hozon U model EV SUV 哪吒U In terms of power, the new car will be available in two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive versions. The two-wheel drive version has a maximum…
Hozon U model EV SUV 哪吒U In terms of power, the new car will be available in two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive versions. The two-wheel drive version has a maximum…
《如果有一天无法把你留住》 https://youtu.be/JgKL8gBWkJ0
Yang Yuying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C6pD_7sF1k
Hozon Neta Sales Number 2021, 12月1日,哪吒汽车宣布,11月交付量10,013 台,同比增长372%,个人用户占比超91%;2021年1月至11月累计总交付量59,547 台,同比增长393%;哪吒汽车累计总交付量85,850 台。 On December 1, Neta Automobile announced that it delivered 10,013 units in November, an increase of 372% year-on-year, and individual users…
How to tell Chinese Flankers apart J-11B 黑色雷达罩 J-11: By mid-2002, an upgraded J11B was revealed as J11A now didn’t satisfy PLAAF requirements.J-16: From the Su-30 MKK, China produced their…
亚男《 送亲》 https://youtu.be/Grjt79SGEFc
MG EHS Plug-In Hybrid coming to Europe MG EHS is the bigger brother of the smaller compact SUV MG ZS EV. The EHS is the plug-in hybrid variant of the…
Chinese Large military transport aircraft Producer: XianFirst test flight: 2013年首架运20成功试飞In service: 2016 ( 2016年运20正式装备)Crew: 3Payload: 66 ton (T-99 MBT 60 ton)Speed: 900km/h (0.75 Mach)Takeoff distance: 600 to 700 metersLength: 47…
愛如星火 https://youtu.be/MruEVgxj39I
女人沒有錯 https://youtu.be/hLe1HwBQo4o?list=RDMM
《不该用情》 https://youtu.be/yba6_xjwpbc
Z-20 Medium lift helicopter Gallery 2019 in service10吨级别直升机中高原性能最强悍的直升机陆基通用型,舰载型,还有舰载反潜机,而且还有一款陆地特种攻击型还在紧张研发陆航以及海军和空军装备的直20总数量将会超过1000架 直20作为我国最新的通用直升机,其外形也是和美国的黑鹰直升机较为类似,目前我国陆航部队还在大量依赖俄制米17系列直升机,随着直20技术的成熟,这一局面也将改变,早在2008年汶川地震时期,成都军区陆航某部黑鹰直升机在就在期间发挥了功不可没的作用,中国也是意识到了10吨级通用直升机的重要性。 the importance of the 10-ton general purpose helicopter.
NIO owners's battery swapping stations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTXptUuKGrc NIO owners can use the company's compact battery swapping stations located in parking lots and other locations for a delay-free power supply for their vehicles. Drivers enter…
China Military Images
《为爱痴狂》 https://youtu.be/71AZd2Fu1r8
Changan Uni-V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVYO6Ttt3Mc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuO0YiSgTuA
画一群鸟儿围着我 https://youtu.be/llqz0B9XXX8
红尘谁不是过客 (Dj默涵版) https://youtu.be/RQms7Qs2Q6c
谁能借我个肩膀 (DJ默涵版) https://youtu.be/sZn8f6cFCEY
Chinese Dj Remix 2019【黃昏 Remix】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vGGeqvF-N0 依然记得从你口中说出再见坚决如铁
Why China Is Beating The U.S. In Electric Vehicles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5GGCVIEYts
Li Tie: The new coach of Chinese National Football Team 2020.01.02: 李铁出任国足主帅获官方宣布 率队力争40强赛出线 从来没有看好李铁,希望是错的,期待李铁成功 北京时间1月2日,中国足协官方宣布,李铁正式出任中国国家队主教练,在里皮辞职之后,国足主帅人选的悬念终于结束。 在去年11月14日的世预赛中,国足1-2不敌叙利亚,赛后里皮在发布会上宣布辞职,这是继年初亚洲杯后,意大利名帅第二次从国足帅位上离任。 而在里皮辞职之前,由于银狐没有选择和国足出征东亚杯,足协圈定了一份国足选拔队名单,并且由李铁带队,国足选拔队1胜2负结束了这次东亚杯征程。 有关方面在这段期间也确定了由本土教练率队完成接下来的40强赛任务,于是李铁、李霄鹏以及王宝山三位在联赛中表现突出的教练成为最终候选,并接受了足协的面试。 最终李铁脱颖而出,成为国足新任主帅,并将率队出战今年的40强赛。 李铁现年43岁,球员时代是国足主力,并且和中国队一起出战了2002年世界杯,他还曾效力于英超埃弗顿队,是中国球员留洋的代表。退役后李铁先后出任恒大以及国足助教,在里皮、斯科拉里等人身边积累经验,后来李铁独立执教华夏以及卓尔,并率领两队都升超成功,在2019赛季中,卓尔以升班马的身份拿到联赛第6,李铁功不可没。
带我奔向那片有你的天空因为你是我的梦 https://youtu.be/YK3TAz6RFH8
Changsha 4K HDR Night Walk https://youtu.be/WvekaVFHUvk
Top young football players in China We love the young players, they are the future of China football
Main Battle Tanks vs Type 99: The Type 99 also comes with a Laser Warning Receiver which warns the tank commander if his vehicle is being painted with hostile targeting…
Best Easy way to insert transparent image into another image No GIMP needed at all StepsDownload panda imageDownload a PNG image of umbrella pngUse this tool (remove background image)https://removal.ai/this removes…
《醉红尘》 https://youtu.be/O2aTFKCFFC0?list=RDMM
《送你一朵小红花》赵英俊 https://youtu.be/VHHUbg9KS5U
《明月千里寄相思》 https://youtu.be/cD4cYEiyYwI
2019 Chinese Military Parade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RD7ft6Ll5Dw
《潇洒的走》 https://youtu.be/WT3hWH4B4dg
《放弃不再爱的人》 https://youtu.be/c0eu31ognfM
New pictures of J-15 New pics from 2020
Chinese Navy Type 075 LHD amphibious assault ship PLA Navy recently commissioned first Type 075 Yushen-class Hainan Helicopter Assault Ship (pennant number 31)
The GWM POER Is The Closest Thing To A Chinese F-150 https://youtu.be/V8i26uBEPYQ
J-15 carrier-borne fighters conduct training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=encV6n3hntA
Chinese Army Video's https://twitter.com/evazhengll/status/1429220969823051781
Xpeng G9 SUV EV
CHINESE GREAT WALL OPENS EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS IN GERMANY The Chinese manufacturer Great Wall Motors has established its European headquarters in Germany. The carmaker has big plans to conquer the rest…
Chinese Maxus electric MPV Mifa 9 coming to Europe 90 kWh battery 520 km