Dagens Industri just reported that Youngman has given up its pursuit for Saab Automobile.
The main reason why the administrators have decided not to let Youngman buy Saab is the big uncertainty regarding the payments, which all originates with the Chinese Government. The great delay in payments due to bureaucracy is also a major factor.
DI say that the electric car consortium from China is the favorite. This probably means the end for SAAB.
They also said that negotiations are somewhat paused with Mahindra. This leaves us with the hybrid/electric car group.
Then WHO will get Saab? BAIC? Because BAIC already quite a few Saab based new model?
And is Youngman after another brand LOTUS now?
And honestly Lotus right now is much better catch then SAAB. They have a number of models to sell, they don’t have license and technology issues with GM or whoever else. The brand is strong, engineering is on the top. Lotus F1 team is also at the top this season. So Youngman is probably negotiating to buy Lotus.
Everyone is hoping for a Mahindra purchase, so am I, but lets not forget:
1) The Chinese-Japanese electric consortium is still in the running, per Just-Auto.
2) Volvo is still around wanting to purchase Saab’s tooling and other tangible assets, sans Saab as a working entity.
青年新提报价咬定萨博 称自身获政府认可
盖世汽车网6月11日报道 据瑞典《TTELA报》和《工业日报》(Dagens Industri)报道,在瑞典媒体普遍传出中日电动车联盟已经购得萨博汽车资产之后,青年汽车仍未作放弃打算,于6月8日提出新一轮报价,并强调自身是唯一经过中国政府批准参与竞购的企业。
青年汽车瑞典代理发言人John Nylén当天向媒体透露已经提交新一轮报价,并且以彻底偿债和尽快投产作为优势,其表示:“我们今晨提交修改后的报价收购范围包含了萨博所有清算资产,涵盖零部件子公司。并且我们的报价意味着能够为瑞典及萨博卖方充分清偿债务,金额约为22亿瑞典克朗。青年同时还提供了资金的证明。青年正在加速收购萨博的进度,以便尽快投产。我们已经与破产管理人推进接触,不过我们希望当前能够更频繁地密切对话。”
John Nylén还指出青年已经从国家发改委处获得“确认函”(Acknowledgment Letter),这意味着青年是唯一通过政府批准竞购萨博的中国公司,而其他中资企业则不具备资格收购萨博资产。
此前有媒体指出,中日电动车联盟旗下瑞典国家电动车公司NEVS(National Electric Vehicle Sweden)因为总部设在英国的特殊背景而得以绕开中国国家发改委批复完成交易。不过该公司注册地为香港,仍然属于中国范围;另外之后萨博复产项目若涉及到国内,仍然难以充分避开发改委。
盖世汽车网5月24日报道 据瑞典《工业日报》(Dagens Industri)5月23日消息,中国青年莲花汽车已经放弃收购萨博,取而代之的是多家中国公司结成电动车联盟,成为呼声最高的新买家。
中国公司结盟来袭 传青年放弃收购萨博
据悉,新的“中国电动车竞购组合”中将不再包括日本松下,至少由两家中国公司组成,北汽很可能仍在其中。还有消息来源指出该竞购组合得到了政府方面的支持,由前沃尔沃CEO Karl Erling Faithful牵头率队同瑞典方面谈判,报价将和青年此前的32亿瑞典克朗在同一级别上。但另外一方面,新买家组合对于萨博汽车的零部件供应商无意收购,因此整体收购价格可能略低于青年之前的报价。未来该组合将大量投产电动车和混合动力车,年产能目标在100,000辆以上。
Electric Cars The consortium has been named approved –
National Electric Vehicle Sweden – it is the name of the electric vehicle consortium that is interested in Saab, which according to some information may be of interest to buy the estate.The company name was registered on Monday.