Ka-52K Katran for Chinese Navy Type 075 LDP

China to import 36 Ka-52K Katran helicopters from Russia
The Chinese military delegation and the Russian arms export company signed a contract for naval aviation armaments at the Russian Army 2021 Technology Forum, which closed on the 28th of last month, and the Chinese side will import 36 Ka-52K Katran or Ka-52M heavy armed helicopters from Russia at a price of $20 million each, which will directly equip the Chinese Navy’s amphibious ships, according to Hong Kong Phoenix TV’s resident Russian correspondent Lu Yuguang today.
Ka-52K Katran Helicopter
Ka-52K Katran Helicopter is a ship-based version of the Ka-52 Alligator reconnaissance and combat helicopter, which is under production for the Russian Armed Forces.
Maximum Speed
Chinese Navy Type 075 LHD amphibious assault ship