H-20 STEALTH BOMBER H-20 – World #1 Bomber

谈到新轰炸机,中国空军前司令马晓天早在2016年就放风“在发展新一代远程打击轰炸机”,两年后的2018年,中国唯一轰炸机研制单位西安飞机工业集团在宣传片末尾出现一架被蒙住的神秘大型飞机,并标有“THE NEXT”,可以说开启外界对新轰炸机的想象,其在大规模讨论中被称为轰-20。
New PLA Air Force bomber set to be ‘best in world’ By ZHAO LEI | China Daily | Updated: 2021-07-22 09:58 The next-generation bomber of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, one of the Chinese military’s most anticipated aircraft, will be world-class in terms of technology and capability, according to a well-informed observer. Fu Qianshao, a retired equipment expert from the PLA Air Force, said the new Chinese bomber, popularly dubbed the H-20, will be more powerful than the United States’ Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, now the mightiest bomber in the world, and will be bigger than the Northrop Grumman… Read more »