上汽R汽车MARVEL R正式上市 售价:21.98-23.98万元
SAIC R Automobile electric MARVEL R officially goes on the market. Price: 211,800 to 239,800 yuan ($35,000 – 40,000)

上汽R汽车MARVEL R正式上市 售价:21.98-23.98万元
SAIC R Automobile electric MARVEL R officially goes on the market. Price: 211,800 to 239,800 yuan ($35,000 – 40,000)
动力方面,MARVEL R将提供双电机后驱和三电机四驱两种动力版本。其中,MARVEL R三电机四驱版本零百加速时间为4.8秒。电池方面,MARVEL R采用16电芯大模组电池布置方案,实现180Wh/kg能量密度,NEDC续航里程达505km。未来还会推出NEDC综合续航超过700km的版本。此外,MARVEL R还搭载博世i-booster智能电控制动系统,以提升续航表现。 In terms of power, MARVEL R will provide two power versions of dual-motor rear drive and three-motor four-wheel drive. Among them, the MARVEL R three-motor four-wheel drive version has a zero-hundred acceleration time of 4.8 seconds. In terms of batteries, MARVEL R adopts a 16-cell large-module battery layout scheme to achieve an energy density of 180Wh/kg and a NEDC cruising range of 505km. In the future, a version of NEDC with a comprehensive battery life of more than 700km will be launched. In addition, MARVEL R is also equipped with Bosch i-booster intelligent electric control… Read more »