China Motor Production, Sales, Export numbers

2018 data:
China motor production & sales: about 15 million
China motor export: about 7 million
China Motor Production, Sales, Export numbers
2018 data:
China motor production & sales: about 15 million
China motor export: about 7 million
虽然现在年轻人越来越爱赶时尚,迷恋摩托车的风驰 l但是,国内很多地区都严禁摩托车了。去年,国内的市场出售摩托车有九百多万,但是出口的摩托车占七百多万。很多人都很好奇 ,这么多的摩托车都去了哪里?根据数据的统计,进口我们国产的摩托车最多的是缅甸,其次就是菲律宾墨西哥以及阿根廷了。
Although young people are now more and more fond of fashion and obsessed with motorcycles, motorcycles are strictly prohibited in many parts in China. Last year, the domestic market sold more than 9 million motorcycles, but the number of motorcycles exported accounted for more than 7 million. Many people are very curious, where are so many motorcycles going? According to statistics, the largest number of motorcycles imported from China is Myanmar, followed by Philippines, Mexico and Argentina.
From January to April, the industry’s cumulative production and sales of 4,875,500 units and 4,885,400 units
January 2019: