this has more to do with the major automative manufacturers releasing their own electric vehicles into the market – from entry level to luxury. Consumers are prone to purchase from companies they are familiar. There are generational relationships with the major auto manufacturers – who already have the scale, support, and background to do this well if not better than Tesla.
Tesla should be praised for forcing the automotive industry to seriously embrace EV.
However, all the trouble circling Musk and Tesla – Panasonic just doesn’t see this as a worthy business investment any longer.
Panasonic stops investing in Tesla Gigafactories as sales slump
Panasonic has lost a lot of money making battery cells for Tesla over the past year.
this has more to do with the major automative manufacturers releasing their own electric vehicles into the market – from entry level to luxury. Consumers are prone to purchase from companies they are familiar. There are generational relationships with the major auto manufacturers – who already have the scale, support, and background to do this well if not better than Tesla.
Tesla should be praised for forcing the automotive industry to seriously embrace EV.
However, all the trouble circling Musk and Tesla – Panasonic just doesn’t see this as a worthy business investment any longer.
The fine arts student hasn’t shaved her legs since last November, but says her decision isn’t related to any issues surrounding feminism
wtf a white girls leg
“China Challenge”: The Volkswagen ID. R on the “Road to Heaven”
中国天气网广西站讯 三月春意盎然,柳州已然成了花海。今天(3月24日)白天,市区气温在10℃左右,虽是春寒料峭,但阻挡不住市民外出赏花的热情。图为市民在柳江区花海湾景区赏花。
Tesla Model 3
like this??
Cadillac CT5