Huawei P20 Pro named EISA Best Smartphone 2018-2019
What is the best smartphone? This is a question that is still in debate after so many years but maybe with the recent announcement from European Image and Sound Association (EISA), they just named the Huawei P20 Pro as the best smartphone of 2018. Okay, to be more accurate – EISA Best Smartphone 2018-2019. This is the sixth consecutive year that Huawei has been recognized by the EISA.
How is this possible? And what is it based on? Well, if you should know. EISA comprises of the top 55 world’s most respected consumer electronics magazines. Across through their ratings, the P20 Pro was recognized for its built quality, design and performance. All in all, EISA chose the P20 Pro for “the most advanced, innovative and technically superior smartphone ever,” as well as “the perfect companion for mobile users, [and] also a trendsetter in the mobile photography field” this year.
Here’s the full official EISA award citation is as follows:
在德国IFA 2018展会上,华为公布了麒麟980芯片以及华为P20系列的新配色。其中华为P20 Pro金棕色和雅黑色为真皮材质,据官方介绍真皮材质选自欧洲全粒面小牛皮,并且使用了意大利pamelatto皮革手工鞣制工艺制造。
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