First mass-produced Belarusian Geely Atlas NL3 rolls out of new BelGee car factory
MINSK, 17 November (BelTA) – The first Belarus-made mass-produced car Geely Atlas NL3 rolled off the conveyor belt at the new car factory of SZAO BelGee Company on 17 November, BelTA has learned.
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko took part in the solemn ceremony held on 17 November to open the new car factory and launch mass production.
The Belarusian-Chinese joint venture SZAO BelGee was established in 2011 to make Geely brand cars. The company assembled the first car in February 2013. BelGee shareholders are BelAZ (51.49%), Zhejiang Jirun Automobile Company Limited (33.47%), SZAO Soyuzavtotekhnologiyi (9.01%), and CITIC International Investment Limited (6.03%).
At 8:00 am local time on July 5, the delegation drove north from the Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to Borisov, and visited Belarus Geely Automobile Co., Ltd. to explore how Geely realized the dream of domestically produced cars in Belarus.
白俄罗斯鲍里索夫市当地时间11月17日,吉利(白俄罗斯)汽车有限公司(BELGEE,以下简称“白俄吉”)全散装件(CKD)工厂正式落成,同期首辆白俄产Geely Atlas(博越)正式下线。
白俄吉工厂生产的首款车型Geely Atlas(博越):