The 2016 edition of Mobile Pwn2Own has wrapped, and the contestants demonstrated some unique attacks against the iPhone 6S and Nexus 6P.
By the end of the day, researchers showed how phones – even while running the latest software and patches – could have a rogue application installed and pictures or data stolen. With multiple successful exploits, Tencent Keen Security Lab Team claimed the title of Master of Pwn with 45 points and $215,000 total awarded.
The competition started with Tencent Keen Security Lab Team targeting a Google Nexus 6P. Their attempt to install a rogue application succeeded earning them $100,000. They combined two different bugs in Android then leveraged other weaknesses within the OS on their first and subsequent attempts. By acing all three attempts, they earned the sniper, strength, and stealth style point bonuses. In the end, they tallied up $102,500 USD and 29 points towards Master of Pwn.
Next, Tencent Keen Security Lab Team targeted the iPhone 6S with a rogue application. The app did install, but it didn’t persist after a reboot of the phone. As such, this only counts as a partial success. Still, they used some interesting bugs that should be fixed. These bugs earned them a $60,000 USD award but no Master of Pwn points.
日前,世界顶级黑客大赛Mobile Pwn2Own 2016在日本东京落幕。腾讯科恩实验室以45个积分和215000美元奖金摘得桂冠,获得了“The Master of Pwn”(破解大师)的称号。
Pwn2Own是世界著名的黑客大赛,由Trend Micro旗下的著名安全项目Zero Day Initiative举办。此次在东京举办的Mobile Pwn2Own重点关注移动操作系统、手机浏览器和手机应用APP的安全性问题。
由于比赛关注点是移动端,所以参赛者瞄准的目标是智能手机。他们将以iPhone6S、Google Nexus 6P和Galaxy S7为硬件目标,完成获取手机内部敏感信息、给手机安装恶意应用程序、固件及破解三个攻击项目。
腾讯科恩实验室第一个拿下的是Google Nexus 6P。他们成功在Nexus 6P安装了恶意应用软件,这为他们赢得102500美元奖金和29个积分。
随后,团队又在iPhone 6S安装了恶意应用软件。但它没能扛得住大家修手机最常用的一招——重启。所以,这只算半个成功,有60000美元奖金,但没有积分。
最后一项,他们再次攻击iPhone 6S,导致手机照片泄露。这样,腾讯科恩实验室最终以45个积分和215000美元奖金的成绩,成为本次比赛的“The Master of Pwn”。
比赛中,有一个数据被外人津津乐道。团队在远程攻破Nexus 6P时,仅仅花了十秒钟的时间。这听起来简直是不可完成的任务。
腾讯科恩实验室成立于2016年1月,其成员主要来自于大名鼎鼎的安全研究团队Keen Team。
AAA是Azure Assassin Alliance的缩写,中文意思是蓝色刺客联盟。何淇丹毕业前,也是AAA战队的成员。
师兄何淇丹的经历就更丰富了,除了跟随科恩团队参加国际顶尖赛事,他还于8月份受邀在顶级安全会议BlackHat USA和DEFCON上发表演讲。他把那次拉斯维加斯之行记录在《白帽赌城演讲记》一文里,称两场演讲“解锁了两项人生成就”。
The Tencent Keen Security Lab Team from China has won a total prize money of $215,000 in the 2016 Mobile Pwn2Own contest run by Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) in Tokyo, Japan. Despite the implementation of high-security measures in current devices, the famous Chinese hackers crew has successfully hacked both Apple’s iPhone 6S as well as Google’s Nexus 6P phones. Hacking iPhone 6S For hacking Apple’s iPhone 6S, Keen Lab exploited two iOS vulnerabilities – a use-after-free bug in the renderer and a memory corruption flaw in the sandbox – and stole pictures from the device, for which the… Read more »