BYD Projects More U.S. Electric-Bus Orders
The Long Beach Transit Board of Directors on Monday awarded an $11.7-million contract to Los Angeles-based BYD Motors Inc. to manufacture 10 battery-powered electric buses and charging systems.
“The Long Beach Transit Board made a historic decision today that will not only benefit our customers, but will also be a win for the community,” Long Beach Transit chief executive Kenneth McDonald said in a statement.
The buses will be zero-emission, McDonald said, adding that they will be the “the cleanest bus we have offered to date” and on the “leading edge of technology in the industry.”
The contract approved Monday — bringing a competitive bidding process to a close — includes funding for training and required equipment associated with the purchase of the buses, according to Long Beach Transit.
昨日,加利福利亚长滩运输署董事会正式宣布与比亚迪北美总部BYD Motors Inc签署60台电动巴士采购合同。这创美国最大电动巴士订单纪录,同时也是比亚迪迄今为止在国际市场最大一笔电动巴士订单。
BYD Motors Inc是一家位于南加州的车辆制造商。长滩运输署高层选择比亚迪电动巴士,是因为其超长的纯电续航里程,业界领先的12年电池质保,以及其在电动大巴行业的领导力。
继刚刚收获全美最大纯电动大巴60台订单仅三天,洛杉矶当地时间4月30日,比亚迪成功交付首批5台大巴给洛杉矶郡大都会交通局,洛杉矶郡郡长Michael Antonovich先生,洛杉矶世界贸易中心首席执行官Steven Cheung,比亚迪股份有限公司董事长王传福先生,比亚迪股份有限公司高级副总裁李柯女士亲临交车仪式现场,共同见证了这一重大时刻。