Chinese Hyper Auto Club
You might have heard about the Chinese super car owners who participated in the Dragon Path Rally across the west coast. The supercar attendees consisted of Bugatti Veryon Grand Sport, Veyron Super Sport, Grand Sport Vitesse, McLaren MP4-12C, Ford GT and Aston Martin Virage Volante.
HAC(hyper auto club)顶级跑车俱乐部,是由柯尼塞格品牌在中国的独家代理商,北京恒翔永瑞贸易有限公司创始人、董事长付嵩洋先生创立。以推进中国超跑文化为主要目的。同时也通过俱乐部资源,计划创建一座超跑博物馆。收藏并展览世界上各种具备传奇色彩的超级跑车。该俱乐部申请入会,最低标准为保时捷卡雷拉GT。
作为新兴的中国顶级跑车界领跑者,中国顶级跑车俱乐部HAC(Hyper Auto Club)致力于跑车文化的传播。DPR(Dragon Path Rally)龙途拉力2012是HAC举办的顶级跑车自驾活动。漂洋过海,起始点美国旧金山。
付嵩洋: HAC(Hyper Auto Club)顶级跑车俱乐部创始人,同时也是FFF-Automobile的创立者兼董事长。他如今是中国拥有众多顶级跑车的第一人、是超跑界地道玩家和资深“老”车迷,30岁不到,却已收藏了20多辆世界顶级跑车,对中国超跑文化与市场发展有着自己独到的认知。FFF-Automobile是Koenigsegg(科尼赛克),Melkus(梅尔库斯)及Tramontana(特拉蒙塔纳)在中国内地唯一代理公司,旨在打造中国国内市场最具影响力和最具专业性的高端汽车服务品牌。
And so “across the west coast” means, across Europe’s west coast….I see.
This year’s HAC dragon rally is in Europe.
Filling in the blanks of the story, our best guess is:
The rally was along the west coast of the U.S..
The wealthy club members purchased, painted, and licensed, the cars in the U.S., and after the rally was over, had the cars shipped back home for use in China.