Lifan’s CKD Plant in Iraq starts production today

Although Lifan is not a top car maker in China but it seems Lifan is pretty busy in doing business outside China.

According to Lifan MENA region manager Tianmao Yu, currently Lifan car assembly line is capable of producing 620 X60 city and off-road vehicles and 320 cars, 720 and 530 will be introduce next year next year. According to the plan, the initial annual capacity will reach 10,000, then increased to 20,000 per year.

The Middle East has been a major export market for Chinese automakers. Last year, Syria, Iran, and Egypt ranked among the ten largest importing countries for Chinese cars, while Iraq was the fourth largest for Chinese sedans–with 14,144 sales. Since late 2009, ZAMAZAM SPRING has reportedly sold over 2,000 Lifan cars.

In the three years between 2007 and 2009, Lifan exported a total of over 60,000 cars. It has KD assembly plants in Vietnam, Russia, Ethiopia, Uruguay, among others.


14-03-04 11:21 来源:新华网 作者:梁有昶 张淑惠

新华网巴格达3月3日电(记者梁有昶 张淑惠)伊拉克国有汽车工业公司3日举行力帆汽车组装生产线下线仪式,这标志着力帆汽车在伊拉克的组装车辆生产正式启动。




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