Chinese Tourists Outnumber All Others in 2012, and this is just the beginning
Chinese tourists spent 102 billion U.S. dollars abroad in 2012.
German tourists spent 84 billion U.S. dollars abroad in 2012.
American tourists spent 84 billion U.S. dollars abroad in 2012.
The United Nations World Tourism Organization confirmed on Thursday that 2012 saw China become the top tourist source market in the world.
In 2012 Chinese expenditure on travel abroad climbed to 102 billion U.S. dollars, culminating a period in which it has been the most rapidly growing source market for tourism in the world.
Since the turn of the century, there has been over an eightfold increase in the number of overseas trips made by Chinese travelers from 10 million who travelled to other countries in 2000, up to 83 million who went abroad in 2012.
This huge increase, which has been made possible by increased disposable income for Chinese people, which has created greater opportunities to visit other parts of the world, has also seen Chinese people spending more money on their foreign trips with the 102 billion dollars they spent in 2012, up an impressive 40 percent from the previous year when Chinese people spend 73 billion US dollars on foreign tourism.
This data echoes the expectations of Taleb Rifai, the General Secretary of the UNWTO when he spoke to Xinhua at in their Madrid headquarters the start of the year.
“The Chinese economy is opening up, it is growing and the rise of the middle class in China is a very important phenomenon, it is probably one of the main reasons behind this absolutely impressive growth in the outbound figures and data,” he said in an interview which also saw him praise what China has to offer as a tourist destination for people from other parts of the world.
“The outbound market of China being a source of tourism for the world has grown tremendously: 42 percent was the growth in 2012. Almost 80 million Chinese traveled out of China: That is a tremendous achievement.”
“But, even as an inbound destination, we have almost 60 million people visiting China. China is the third visited destination in the world today and all of this makes China very special to us,” he added.
In 2005, China had ranked in seventh placed in terms of international tourism expenditure, behind Italy, Japan, France, Britain, Germany and the United States. It had moved into the third place by the end of 2011 and overtook Germany and the U.S. last year.
However, China is not the only country to increase its importance as a source market; Russia and Brazil have also seen their significance increase with Russia, seeing a 32-percent rise in international tourist spending in 2012, while Brazil moved up to 12th place with expenditure of 22 billion U.S. dollars in a movement Rifai said would”surely continue to change the map of world tourism.”
全球第一 中国去年出国旅游人数近一亿
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Chinese visitors during an after-hours tour of Bergdorf Goodman, which brought in Mandarin-speaking assistants for an event.
东京——二战后,“丑陋的美国人”(Ugly Americans)用他们洪亮的嗓音和网球鞋吓坏了欧洲人和亚洲人。数十年后,日本旅游团又从空调大巴上走下来,摆出V字手势在所有知名地标前拍照,甚至连后院晾衣绳上晒的衣服都不放过。
如今,轮到中国人到处讨人嫌了。我们对这些抱怨并不陌生——他们会盯着东西看、推开挡在面前的人、对当地的食物避之不及。联合国世界旅游组织(World Tourism Organization)表示,去年有8300万名中国大陆游客共在国外消费了1020亿美元(约合6243亿元人民币),超过了美国人和德国人成为世界最大的旅游消费群体。
尽管中国人有种种失态,但其实各国却在争相吸引中国游客。韩国的婚庆公司为了吸引中国夫妇,在广泛传播的音乐视频《江南Style》(Gangnam Style)的启发下,准备了奢华的庆祝仪式。澳大利亚悉尼附近一个沿海的郡,修建了一座价值4.5亿美元的中国主题公园,它全尺寸仿制了紫禁城的大门,而且还修建了一座九层高的佛寺。法国业已成为最受中国游客欢迎的旅游目的地之一,2012到访法国的中国游客有140万人,但法国也正在采取措施进一步增强自己的吸引力。
中国游客征服世界 巴黎咖啡馆卖包子油条咸鸭蛋
据新华社电 位于巴黎歌剧院广场区内的一家老咖啡馆推出中式早餐,油条、包子和咸鸭蛋等被推上食谱。这家百年老店于1862年开业,装潢风格典雅华贵,是法国文人与政治家经常光顾的地方,历届法国总统都不只光临一次。除招待中国游客,吃惯面包和黄油的法国人也愿意换换口味。