The Type 054A (NATO codename Jiangkai II) frigate is a Chinese multi-role warship that entered service with the People’s Liberation Army Navy in 2007. It is a development of the Type 054 frigate, using the same hull but with improved sensors and weapons.
The Type 054A was first revealed while under construction at the Guangzhou-based Huangpu Shipyard in 2005.
The Type 054A carries HQ-16 medium-range air defence missiles in a VLS system. The HQ-16 provides area air defence from all engagement angles up to a range of 50km, a considerable improvement over the HQ-7 carried on the Type 054 which have inferior range and limited engagement angles.
The 4 AK-630 close-in weapon systems (CIWS) of the Type 054 were replaced with 2 Type 730 CIWS on the Type 054A. The autonomous Type 730 provides improved reaction time against close-in threats.
The Type 054A retains its predecessor’s stealth features, including sloped hull design, radar absorbent materials and a clean profile.
An improved variant, sometimes called the Type 054A+, launched from Huangpu Shipyard in 2009.
Cost: ¥ 1.58 billion (USD 250 million)
Displacement: 4,053 tonnes (full)(CCTV report), 3,600 tonnes (standard)
Length: 134 m (440 ft)
Speed: 30 kn estimated
Range: 8025 nautical miles estimated
After 6 months on the seas off the coast of Somalia, PLA Navy Type 054A missile frigates FFG 529-Zhoushan and FFG 530-Xuzhou sailed back into Chinese waters for a port call to Hong Kong.
The two advanced ships were part of a task force on anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden and are sailing back to their home port in Zheijiang province. The historical task force is the PLA Navy’s first overseas combat mission.
舰长:134米 (中央电视台报道)
舰宽:16米 (中央电视台报道)
满载排水量:4,053吨 (中央电视台报道)
最大航速:27节 (中央电视台报道)
最大航程:18节 8600海里 (估计)
动力: 柴柴联合(CODAD):
4台许可生产法制皮尔斯蒂克(SEMT Pielstick) 16PA6V280STC柴油机,每台6400千瓦 (7600+ hp @ 1084 rpm),采用双层筏装置减震
国产(382型1987年研制的381型升级型号Sea Eagle C-B的双面升级型,仿自俄国顶板雷达)三坐标平面雷达
4座仿俄MR90 345型舰载SAM火控雷达,用于红旗16舰空导弹末端目标照射
2 x Decca Radar|Racal RM-1290 导航雷达,I波段
HZ-100 电子对抗系统(Electronic countermeasures|ECM)
ZKJ-4B/6 战术资料处理系统(Thomson-CSF TAVITAC的国产型)
HN-900 数据链路 (相当于Link 11 A/B)
SNTI-240 SATCOM卫星通讯装置
4 x 8单元舰载垂直发射系统,用于红旗16(HQ-16)舰空导弹和反潜导弹发射
1 x 仿俄AK-176, H/PJ76 76 毫米主炮,射程17km,射速130发/min
2 x H/PJ12型730型近程防御武器系统
2 x 四联装YJ-83反舰导弹发射架
2 x 3管324毫米鱼-7轻型反潜鱼雷发射装置
2 x 87式六管反潜火箭深弹发射装置
2 x 726-4型18管舰载干扰弹火箭发射炮
1 x 俄制卡-28“蜗牛”或国产直-9