We all know polution is a serious problem in China, big cities have big problems with that, but there are also beautiful places in China, and plenty of them, as long as it is not around the cities
We all know polution is a serious problem in China, big cities have big problems with that, but there are also beautiful places in China, and plenty of them, as long as it is not around the cities
6月2日清晨,新疆著名旅游景点——喀纳斯湖出现浓雾填谷的云海奇观,令游客犹如置身人间仙境。站在该景区制高点观鱼亭举目远眺,云海像一条银色的丝带,飘舞在湖泊、山谷、林海之间,时而波涛汹涌、时而飘渺虚无。刘胜刚 杜雪娜 摄
迎中国旅游日 看美丽中国
4月2日,鹭鸟在宁夏沙湖鸟岛芦苇丛中嬉戏。总面积4247公顷的宁夏沙湖鸟岛是鸟类的天堂,有近200种、100多万只,占宁夏鸟类总数的三成多。春暖花开时节,鸟儿们成群结队地飞到这里繁衍生息;等秋意渐浓,小鸟们羽翼丰满后,便和众鸟一同长途跋涉飞往南方越冬。新华社记者 刘泉龙 摄
4月3日,一些游人冒雨在西湖边的樱花树下留影。当日是清明节小长假第一天。尽管杭州市“清明时节雨纷纷”,但众多游客游兴不减,冒雨在西湖景区观光游览。新华社记者 韩传号 摄
Zhejiang Xianju Shenxianju fields of flowers outside area