[2019.03.25] PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
Police cars in China
China history maps
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery 11月23日,空军官方在网上发布消息庆祝空军新闻发布机制正式运行五周年,并发布了歼-10C、歼-16和歼-20三款战机同框图片
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
Chinese army PLA gif images
Chinese PLA army in Russia 2018 war game parade 9月13日中午,参加“东方-2018”战略演习的中俄两军部队在楚戈尔综合演习场举行了联合阅兵式。这次阅兵规模宏大,几乎全部参演的主战车辆都参加了这次检阅。俄罗斯总统普京,俄罗斯联邦国防部长绍伊古,俄军总参谋长格拉西莫夫到场观看阅兵式,俄罗斯总统普京在检阅前发表了讲话。
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
Chinese special forces random gallery
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery 中国海军新型综合补给舰首舰呼伦湖舰入列命名授旗仪式,9月1日在广州举行。呼伦湖舰是我国自主研制具有世界先进水平的新型综合补给舰,可为我海军航母编队、远海机动编队提供海上伴随补给。
PLA parade in Inner Mongolia 90 seconds version China’s grand military parade marks PLA 90th birthday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vVOXlgHC1U
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
PLA Chinese military random photo’s gallery
Russia tank competition 2017 刚刚进行的俄罗斯坦克大赛中,中国队完赛!共用时1小时41分09,而此时此刻印度T-90S坦克还在跑圈打靶
PLA Chinese military random photo's gallery
2014.02 random photo gallery
Chinese Blue Army in Inner Mongolia training base 长期以来,朱日和蓝军部队以如同“开挂”的战绩闻名于世。这次他们除了在训练场上向全国人民拜年外。曾让无数红军部队高喊活捉的该部队领导满广志也露面,并表示冬天虐自己,夏天才能更好的虐红军。
Chinese PLA random photo gallery 解放军05式155毫米自行加榴炮群 Self-propelled howitzer
Chinese PLA random photo gallery 中国国务委员兼国防部长常万全11月14日上午在德黑兰与伊朗国防部长德赫甘举行会谈。中伊两国签署军事合作协议,中国将为伊朗培训军事人员。
Chinese PLA random photo gallery PLA: Chinese People's Liberation Army
Chinese-Russian "maritime joint -2016" military exercise ended During the 8-day Sino-Russian "maritime joint -2016" military exercise on the 19th to complete all the courses scheduled drills this morning, the two…
To participate in "Peace Mission - 2016" SCO joint anti-terror military exercise of the Chinese participating units, take motorized mobile mode, on September 12 starting from Atushi city, the trip…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=4074&v=0veKL-CiJiE There are the military experts who understand that today’s China isn’t the China that was 2 decades ago. And there are the fools who dip their heads into the…
Joint China Russia military exercise 2013.07.27
China PLA military random pictures 2013.07
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PLA random photo gallery 2013.06.21
some Chinese military vehicles photo gallery
PLA random pictures 2013.07.30
Photo gallery Joint Chinese Russian navy exercises
Random Chinese navy photo gallery 2012
Chinese Artillery random photo's
PLA random pictures
China & India Training Photo's
PLA random photo's around 2013.04.10
President Xi JinPing rides on a ChangFeng Leopard Jeep
PLA random pictures 2013.03.26
Police cars in China 2012.06