RedFlag HongQi Flagship SUV E115 Concept

RedFlag HongQi Flagship SUV E115 Concept Bigger than HS5, HS7, Audi Q7 动力方面,新车将采用四轮驱动形式,7种驾驶模式可选,0-100km/h加速时间小于4秒,最大续航里程超过600公里。值得一提的是,新车采用空气悬挂结构,并配备了L4级别自动驾驶功能。 In terms of power, the new car will be in four-wheel drive mode, with 7 driving modes…

Zotye A16 (TS5) designed by Zotye

Zotye A16 tired of copy/paste Zotye the #1 copycat from China finally get tired of copypaste 众泰汽车可以说,将豪华车型模仿个遍,在设计方面积攒了很多宝贵的经验,终于有了自己的风格,众泰这次造自己的车,原创度很高,1.5T最大190马力,配博世智能驾驶。 Engine:1.5 Turbo156 to 190 HP

ChangAn Raeton CC 2020 model ($13,000 – 19,000)

ChangAn Raeton CC 2020 model Completely newly face-lifted Raeton 睿骋CC (Rui4 Cheng3) 睿骋CC的指导价只有8.69-13.59万元,堪称最为实惠的国产中型轿车之一,如今睿骋CC也迎来了改款,并且重新起了一个名字,叫做锐程CC。 4800*1825*1465mm,wheelbase 2770mm In terms of power, Ruicheng CC will continue to carry the current 1.5T turbocharged engine.…