Qoros 9 concept

Let’s wait and see how QOROS does in 2020.

One of the newest brands in the automotive industry, Qoros hit the scene just last year with the debut of its Qoros 3 sedan, since joined by the 3 Hatch. But as short as its history may be, the Chinese-Israeli venture is already looking to the future. And to that end it is presenting the Qoros 9 sedan concept.

Designed by Jihoon Seo – a 29-year-old Korean design intern at the automotive startup and student at the Coventry University School of Art and Design – the Qoros 9 envisions what the brand’s flagship could look like in 2020. The design revolves around a high belt line, nose and tail, with a chopped but sloping roofline with a short rear deck. LED and Xenon lighting feature front and back, along with 19-inch alloys at each corner.

The concept was showcased at the university’s design competition, where it and its designer were awarded for the design’s forward-looking simplicity.

日前观致官方公布了一组观致9旗舰概念车(Qoros 9 Sedan Concept)的设计图,旨在展示2020年左右的汽车设计方向。

观致9方案出自观致上海设计中心一位来自韩国的大学实习生Jihoon Seo手笔,观致为其提供了一项为期5月的实习项目。观致9概念车的设计初衷在于:打造一款2020年左右推出,定位40-50岁人群的全新旗舰车型。



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