Detailed sales number Chinese cars in Russia

May 2014, Lifan, Great Wall, Chery, Geely and BAIC sold in Russia and other major Chinese companies collectively landslide, higher sales of China FAW car prices only maintain growth. Prior to May total sales, the FAW and Chery has improved.

Lifan is still a month and the highest cumulative sales in China in the Russian car prices, May sales of 1,650 units, 2,353 units sold in May last year, down 30%. 1-5 months, the Lifan accumulated in Russia sold 8,433 vehicles, compared to last year’s 8,790 units, down 4%.

Geely May sales of 1,410 vehicles in Russia last May sales of 2,414 units, an 12 percent drop. January to May, Geely sales in Russia totaled 8,008 units, up 11 percent landslide, 8,987 units over the same period last year. Geely sales and cumulative sales in the month car prices in China are listed second.

Great Wall last month sold 1,306 cars in Russia last May sales of 1,829 units, down 29%. Great January-May total sales in Russia fell by 21% to 6,901 units from 8,757 units up.

Chery May sales up 28 percent landslide in Russia decreased from 1,678 units to 1,207 units. January to May, an increase from 7,947 units to 7,959 units of 0.2%.

FAW May sales in Russia increased by 5% to 292 from 277-year, from January to May increased by 9% to 1,421 units from 1,305 units year on year.

Beiqi May sales in Russia fell from 107 to 101 by 6%, from January to May from 741 fell 23% to 573.

Hippocampus May grew from 2 to 84 4100% sales in Russia, from January to May, an increase from 88 to 245 by 178%.

BYD’s sales in Russia May 4, last May no sales; January to May fell 96% from 100 to 4 year.

Fukuda May sales in Russia as a last May no sales; January to May from 6 up 67% to 10.

Four Chinese car companies into Russia this year

This year in April, JAC and Brilliance China car prices start at Russian market, adding to Chang’an and Luxgen ranks to become China’s new Russian automobile market participants.

Chang May sales in Russia 86, 1-5 month cumulative sales of 371 in Russia. Chang is also the highest-selling new entrants in the Chinese automobile enterprises in Russia.

Brilliance May sales in Russia 76, 1-5 month cumulative sales of 151 in Russia.

JAC sales in Russia May 17, 1-5 month cumulative sales in Russia 75.

Luxgen May sales in Russia 6, 1-5 month cumulative sales in Russia 63.

















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