[Sales] BYD EV Sales Number
BYD EV Sales Number
BYD EV Sales Number
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Chinese Space Fighter Craft This is in fact the Chinese Space Fighter Craft which we talked about 10 year ago: 空天战机 我国可重复使用试验航天器成功着陆 2020年09月06日 原标题:我国可重复使用试验航天器成功着陆 新华社酒泉9月6日电(李国利、赵金龙)我国在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射的可重复使用航天器,在轨飞行2天后,于9月6日成功返回预定着陆场。 这次试验的圆满成功,标志着我国可重复使用航天器技术研究取得重要突破,后续可为和平利用太空提供更加便捷、廉价的往返方式。 === 真是字越少,内容越重要,秘而不宣!应该又一个了不起的成就!为祖国自豪!为奋斗的科技工作者点赞!连张照片都不肯发,可见这个东东的神秘。空天战机 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKFo7AiX1HA "The…
2020 Chengdu Motor Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBfaiweI6wc Auto Show in Corona Time
Tank biathlon first division final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJyOF7bAs4M The tank biathlon first division final takes place at the Alabino training ground in Moscow region on Saturday, September 5. Teams from Russia, Belarus,…
2020 Geely Haoyue 7Seater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGV7vQdJ4sM 2020款吉利豪越,外观与内饰实拍 Size: 483519001780mm; wheelbase:2815mmFuel Consumption: 7.8L/100kmEngine: 1.8T L4, 135kW/184Ps, 300N.mGearbox: 7DCTTop Speed(km/h):Tire Size: 225/55 R18Price: around $21,250
HJ-10 Red Arrow 10 Anti Tank Missile 该型导弹配备导引头和光纤线圈,导弹发射后施放光纤保持与发射车链接,导引头中的图像通过光纤传回显控台,并接收上传控制指令。而射手通过观察图像从多数目标中精确识别出需要摧毁的目标(即导弹可在发射前不需要事先锁定目标,允许在隐蔽状态下"盲射"),并控制导弹飞向目标。 This type of missile is equipped with a seeker and an optical fiber coil. After the missile is launched, the optical fiber…
2020 BAIC BJ80 3.0T https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZXrP18UzjE
Disney's Mulan | Official Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=144&v=KK8FHdFluOQ&feature=emb_logo
2021 SAIC Maxus NEW Pickup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFQhYTSLzRI
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2020 BAIC BJ40 Rainforest Crossing Edition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UFPz9PqJ4s Size: 4793*2030*1935mm; wheelbase:2745mmEngine: 2.3T L4, 170kW/231Ps, 345N.mGearbox: 6ATTire Size: 285/70 R17Price: around $38,550
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