What is the average salary in Istanbul Turkey
This moment of Lira crisis, US$1 = 6.6 TRY/Lira
This means: 1 Lira = 1 Chinese Yuan (RMB)
Enes S. Sar, lives in Istanbul
Answered Oct 16, 2017
As of 2017, the minimum wage is TRY 1404 after taxes (1780 TRY before taxes) per month. In Turkey, everybody uses the monthly net salary as the figure when you ask about their salaries.
Istanbul is a city where salaries are highest compared to other cities in Turkey; and where consumer price index is highest as well.
There is no straight answer to this question because the question is very broad. The minimum wage is certainly not enough to survive in Istanbul where rents skyrockets year by year due to the nondecremental internal migration to Istanbul.
Making over TRY 10.000 (TRY 16.000 gross) is considered very good and only people with a specialty (i.e. doctors, experienced engineers, senior judges, mid level executives etc.) can reach this salary per month after taxes.
Our teachers in public schools make TRY 3.000 on an average. For a non-skilled worker, my guess is the average net salary per month is TRY 2.000.
I used Turkish Lira but not USD or EUR since our currency is too volatile these days.
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What is the average salary in Istanbul?
about €350 for an asystancy low profile job such as waiter, oil pompers , babysitters, couriers etc . min salary.
app. €500 for medium profile such as Secretary , New employed professionals, factory workers etc.
app €750 för teachers, Officers, civil Cervants etc.
app €1000 för public doctors, medium experienced executives like bank Officers, some people in Chef position in Factories.
app €2000 för finance ppl, private doctors, managers in Factories, bank managers, some engineers etc etc
as usuals Professors,Bankers, Brokers Pilots and Captains earn probably More than 3000€ monthly.
1 USD =6.89794TRY