Czech Republic Auto Information
Area: 78,866 km2
Population: 10 million
Czech Republic 2017 auto sales:
Passenger Cars: 271.595
Light Commercial Vehicles:19.398
Total Market Volume: 290.993
YoY Change: 4,3%
About 300,000 new cars per year is not bad, compare to a Western country like Holland: population 17 million, new car sales 500,000.
Speed Limits
The speed limits in the country are rather strict and suggest driving with 130 km/h along the major highways only. The urban and rural roads permit 50 and 90 km/h speed accordingly.
In several countries, including Poland, Portugal and Spain, the Huawei P8 Lite is now the most used Android phone, while it’s the second most popular in Italy and the Czech Republic. While the company has still some way to go to make headway in western Europe, where its market share remains in single figures, it has a market share in Finland of a hefty 27.5% of all Android devices. And while it’s not reached those heights in any other country, it has still notched up 18.9% of the Android market in Italy, 17.2 in the Czech Republic, 16.7% in Hungary… Read more »
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