Average babysitter wage in Chinese big cities
It is not easy to find a job as babysitter because Chinese families have high requirements towards babysitters.
Average babysitter wage in Chinese big cities like Beijing, Shanghai: 8,000 Yuan = $1,300
Beijing has the highest wage for babysitters: ¥ 11440 / $1,700
随着人口老龄化、二孩时代的到来,北京等一线城市家政服务人员供不应求,因此入职门槛低与高薪成为家政行业的最大特点。年仅 38 岁的王俊岭便是千万保姆中的一员,从事保姆的 10 年间,她已在安徽老家与河北固分别购买一套住房。
38 years old, has been babysitter for 10 years, with the money made in this 10 years, she bought tow houses.
She lives in a rented small room of 14 sm.
这间不足 14 平米的出租房里,住着王俊岭夫妇与两个孩子,房间四面都是厚厚的墙,没有窗户。一到夏天,水泥地上会渗出一层小水珠,又潮又热,床上的凉席一坐就会粘在腿上。每天早上 6 点,王俊岭都会准时的爬起来洗衣收拾家务,准备开始一天的工作。