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This is so wrong
Racist West Virginia Officials Call Michelle Obama an ‘Ape in Heels’
We have never deserved Michelle Obama: it’s a truth made more certain with each passing day. And we’ve been reminded anew by two grotesquely racist officials in West Virginia who recently referred to her as an “ape in heels.”
According to the Washington Post, the hateful comments were exchanged on Facebook between two female officials from Clay, West Virginia, a small town outside Charleston. Pamela Ramsay Taylor, the now-former director of Clay County Development Corp., celebrated Donald Trump’s victory—and Melania Trump’s imminent position as FLOTUS—with the following remarks:
“It will be so refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady back in the White House. I’m tired of seeing an ape in heels.”
In response, Clay’s mayor, Beverly Whaling, commented, “Just made my day, Pam.”
Pamela Ramsay Taylor
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新任美国总统唐纳德·川普虽然是个大嘴巴,但他一家子人真是男帅女靓,而且个个知书达理。除了大家都知道的大姑娘Ivanka,他的现任老婆,Melania Trump(梅拉尼亚·特朗普(专题)),也是个安静内敛的美女,并且嫁给川普前还是美国著名模特,颜值身材都杠杠滴
“If there are no unforeseen events, the agreement could be announced soon, and will convene an extraordinary general meeting for approval before the end of the year. The club aims to become the club’s highest paid in the world, above the 54 million received by Manchester United and Chelsea’s 44 million [Euro].”