65% of Drivers of China’s CAR Have Monthly Salary of More Than 7,000 RMB
Monthly salary of 65% of drivers of China Auto Rental Inc. (short for CAR) has been more than 7,000 RMB, which has been higher than average salary of the industry, according to a governmental report on remuneration of drivers working for car-hailing companies.
Decrease in subsidizes has led to decrease in monthly salary of these drivers. More than 70% of them have salary less than 4,000 RMB per month. Those who work for B2C car-hailing companies have had higher salary, about 5,000 RMB.
Providing drivers with social security, CAR turns out to be a better employer than 90% of companies in which drivers haven’t had this benefit. Administration of CAR also gain great loyalty from its drivers.
Based on data from Roland Berg, CAR has taken up about 40% of market shares in the market of tailored taxi service while its customer reservation rate has been 70%. Moreover, customer satisfaction of CAR has been 91.5 out of 100, much higher than that of others.
Chinese drivers
Each year 26 million new cars found new owners in China
1 USD = 6.6 RMB