Starting Month Salary of average in the world
2013 data:
According to China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security,6.99 million students will be graduating institutions of higher education this year in 2013.
What is the average salary of an average Chinese college graduate?
A college graduate can be from a second rank college, or a first class university like Beijing University and many more, or a post graduate. So here we are talking about the average salary of all of them. In general, a college student graduates after 4 years study at age of 22 to 23 years old.
[China] Data of 2013, Shanghai city, China:
The average month salary of a Chinese college graduate is about 5000 yuan (700 euro) to 6500 yuan (900 euro). Official data is average 4859 yuan (700 euro).
Note 1: above is mostly the net salary, with this amount of salary, you pay almost no tax in China.
Note 2: except this salary amount, normally everyone will get quite some bonus, which in total can be 3 to 6 times the month salary per year.
Note 3: above is the data in Shanghai city, but in general, the average salary of college graduate in other parts of China does not differ too much, also take into account, that the salary in other cities can be less compared to Shanghai, but living costs are also cheaper there.
– 2013, 上海应届生平均工资4859.
– 目前我听到的我身边本科最低的5千,一般是五千五到六千五。研究生在八千到一万二。
– 我们班基本上税前工资都是6000起跳
– 身边最低的一个是7500. 看行业吧,咨询行业好好干基本上年薪20W,就是累. 码农每月也有1W的。
– 2014毕业,朋友签了一家知名手机企业,月薪9000+
– 想想这个数据还包括了应届的硕士生和博士生,应该就合理了。
– 今年毕业的我室友两个室友去了上海,一个半个月工资3847,一个基本工资6400还有季度奖金,其中一个室友的男朋友工资也是6500,感觉这个平均工资挺对的
– 我身边的同学工资基本都是5K啊
– 看学校和专业的 刚听一个朋友说 他们部门来了个复旦的本科 进去就1w2 跟其他学校硕士毕业差不了
In the U.S., Class of 2014 college graduates at the bachelor’s degree level commanded an average (mean) starting salary of $48,127.
So, in USA, the average salary of all graduates is about $4,000/month, roughly 3,000 euro per month, after tax, net salary is about 2,500 euro.
Note 1: USA is one of the most developed country in the world, they have a good salary for college graduate, that is deserved.
In the Netherlands, college graduates starting salaries vary quite a bit, from 1,200 euro to 3,000 euro, so let’s say average 2,000 euro, after tax, net salary per month is about 1,500 euro.
Note 1: Holland is one of the top income country in West Europe.
An average lawyer earns $382 per month, a marketing specialist – $405, while doctors have to work for 10-11 hours to earn their $350.
Software Engineer Salary
The average salary for a Software Engineer is RUB 849,905 ($15,000) per year. 1 Dollar = 56 Rubles.
So a software engineer makes about $1,250 (900 euro) per month in Russia.
Software engineer is a top paid job in every country including Russia.
Then e can roughly inference that the month average salary of all graduates in Russia is around 600 euro.
Russia Average Monthly Wages:
Wages in Russia increased to 34400 RUB/Month in May of 2015, which is about $650 per month, about 500 euro.
2018 data: 1 USD = 6.8 YUAN
The average salary of the 2017 graduates of Tsinghua University was the highest, reaching 9,065 yuan. Peking University and Beijing Foreign Language University ranked second and third respectively, with an average salary of 9,042 yuan and 9,020 yuan. The top ten universities include Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of International Business and Economics, Diplomatic Academy, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Tongji University, and Central University of Finance and Economics.
Average start salary of fresh graduates in China 2017 (most graduates at age 23): 600 USD
In 2017, total 8 million college graduates in China.
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