Pierre Leclercq – designer of BMW X5 and X6 joins GWM
Great Wall wants to be producing 1.5m cars by 2015 and aims to be number one in the world in terms of SUV sales by 2020, and Leclercq stresses the importance of markets such as South America in achieving their long-term targets.
He and his team are currently working on a show car that will be unveiled at the Beijing auto show next year.
Speaking about his plans for the future, he says, “I truly hope to look back in a couple of years having achieved something substantial in the product portfolio and in the team building. A strong design for the brand and inspiring to other companies.”
Pierre Leclercq, designer of the original BMW X5 and X6, started his new role as Vice President of Design at Great Wall Motors on July 1, 2013. He is responsible for the nearly 50 creative designers as well as modellers working in the automaker’s main studio in Baoding and is currently spearheading the development of a new Shanghai-based advanced design center that will house 22 more.
“Great Wall is opening completely new facilities in Shanghai,” Leclercq told Form Trends in an exclusive interview. “Shanghai is a great place to have a satellite studio, and we are in a great location.”
根据长城旗下哈弗品牌的发展规划,2020年将形成哈弗、Jeep、路虎全球三大专业SUV汽车品牌。长城汽车董事长魏建军此前在接受媒体采访时表示“哈弗汽车将在2年内连续推出8款SUV,以形成丰富产品阵容”。同时在新车的造型设计上,长城汽车也聘请了前宝马设计总监皮埃尔·勒克莱克(Pierre Leclercq),任职长城汽车副总裁兼设计总监,从而为旗下SUV车型打造出更为惊艳的外观设计。据长城设计中心内部人士向网通社透露:勒克莱克加盟长城后,将为哈弗品牌重新塑造SUV,并进行家族化的DNA设计。
此前皮埃尔·勒克莱克曾在宝马公司任职多年,自2000年他从福特汽车转投宝马,最先在位于美国的洛杉矶设计工作室,参与多项宝马车型的美国本土化设计工作;于2005年转战宝马慕尼黑工作室,亲自操刀完成了首款跨级SAV车型X6的外观设计;并先后主导设计了全新一代X5 M、X6M等一系列车型。
长城此前还聘请过前梅赛德斯-奔驰设计师安迪瑞斯·杜菲(Andreas Deufel)作为品牌设计负责主管,从而为企业带来更多原创设计的车型。与来自宝马的皮埃尔·勒克莱克相同的是,杜菲也曾主导设计过奔驰GL和ML等大型SUV。
通过引援宝马知名设计师的作法,将使长城旗下车型的造型设计更加独树一帜,从而提升品牌影响力。但要想要赶超Jeep和路虎品牌,长城也需要迈出国际化步伐,在全球市场上获得更多的认可,从而实现2020的品牌愿景。(网通社 2014年2月11日 北京报道)
Haval is already a good looking SUV
Smart move of GWM, biggest SUV producer in 2020 that’s ambitious and feasible