(Shanghai August 1) – SAIC’s commercial vehicle division has signed an agreement to export Maxus vehicles to Australia, the Beijing Youth Daily reported today. SAIC’s Maxus brand has officially gained certification under the Australian Design Rules. The country will be the first foreign market for Maxus vehicles.

According to reports, SAIC will use a dual-brand strategy for the exported Maxus vehicles. In certain areas, such as English-speaking countries, the manufacturer will use the LDV name, which it acquired in 2009. The Maxus name will be used in all other regions. The same logo will be used universally.

The British LDV name will be used as an international medium to demonstrate SAIC’s technological advances in the field of commercial vehicles. SAIC currently possesses a knockdown factory in Southeast Asia assembling its commercial vehicles for sales in Malaysia, Myanmar and other countries. The manufacturer also signed an agreement to sell commercial vehicles in Chile earlier this year. Its first batch of 102 vehicles was exported to South Africa last month. It seems only a matter of time before SAIC finally makes the jump to Europe.



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