Lotus May Be Sold To China’s Youngman
When sports car company Lotus had announced the end of its title sponsorship of the Lotus F1 team, a red flag was raised as concerns over Group Lotus’ financial problems surfaced. Now, new reports reveal that the troubles facing the automaker are more than meets the eye.
Earlier warning signs were brought to attention this year when Lotus’ Malaysian parent company Proton sold a controlling stake to another Malaysian conglomerate, DRB-Hicom. As per Malaysian law, Lotus had to halt all business operations and freeze its financial accounts during the 60-day transition period.
The 60-day period ended in March and now, new owner DRB-Hicom is currently conducting the due diligence of Group Lotus, investigating worrisome figures including Lotus’ $320 million in accumulated debt.
Due to the mounting concerns, rumors have spread that Lotus may be put into administration to free itself from debt and that even CEO Dany Bahar has been let go from the company. What’s more, in line with our reports earlier this year, Chinese automaker Zhejian Youngman Lotus Automobile (Youngman) is a potential buyer of the brand, placing a bid on its remaining assets, including naming rights. The official importer of Proton and Lotus cars in China, Youngman is perhaps better known for its past failed attempt to purchase the now defunct Saab.
So far, a Lotus spokesperson has denied these rumors and insisted that DRB-Hicom and Lotus executives are working to keep the business running as usual, ”There have been and continue to be positive discussions between Group Lotus senior management and senior management at DRB-Hicom both here in Hethel and in Malaysia. Despite various rumours in the media to the contrary, at no point has DRB-Hicom indicated to Group Lotus that they intend to put the company into administration and we welcome the opportunity to put that rumour along with incorrect speculation that production has stopped, that Dany Bahar is no longer CEO and that we are no longer involved in F1 to bed.”
The spokesperson adds, “It’s no secret that we are going through a very difficult time at the moment due to the change in ownership but we’re doing everything we can to get through this period and come out the other side stronger than before.”
Optimistic words, but something definitely isn’t right in the house of Lotus. Stay tuned for more information as the situation continues to develop.
莲花跑车陷财政困境 或被出售给青年汽车
英国《Autocar》4月11日报道称,莲花跑车目前财政吃紧,业已成为宝腾亏损的重要原因,新收购宝腾的DRB-Hicom集团一直在酝酿抛售莲花跑车业务;著名F1赛事记者Joe Saward及其他消息人士披露,莲花跑车相关资产可能被新东家DRB集团售予中国青年汽车。
盖世汽车网4月12日报道 综合外电报道,马来西亚宝腾汽车旗下莲花跑车(路特斯)深陷财政困境,新东家DRB-Hicom集团无意力挽狂澜,莲花跑车或将被售予中国青年汽车。
莲花跑车力难重振 或被售予中国青年汽车
英国《Autocar》4月11日报道称,莲花跑车目前财政吃紧,业已成为宝腾亏损的重要原因,新收购宝腾的DRB-Hicom集团一直在酝酿抛售莲花跑车业务;著名F1赛事记者Joe Saward及其他消息人士披露,莲花跑车相关资产可能被新东家DRB集团售予中国青年汽车,而青年早先于2006年成为莲花在中国的进口商,并在此后与宝腾旗下莲花工程(Lotus Engineering)合作,推出青年莲花乘用车。另外有传闻称,还有其他中国车企参与了收购莲花谈判。
今年3月初,莲花跑车CEO丹尼·巴哈尔(Dany Bahar)向媒体透露,公司目前财政吃紧,未来至少需要7.9亿美元资金维系开发,照当地法律莲花将进入为期3个月的“闭关期”(Lockdown Period),期间公司将减产并暂停开发新车。新东家DRB-Hicom集团正在审查窗口期(Due Diligence)收官阶段,原计划3月底敲定是否抛售莲花跑车,但迄今尚无正式结果公布。
AGAIN: since 1996, Lotus has been owned by Malaysian-based Proton. R&T is now claiming that Chinese automaker Geely is supposedly interested in buying Lotus. If you recall, Geely bought Volvo from Ford several years ago and it also recently launched a new brand called Lynk, a ride sharing company. Geely also previously bought The London Taxi Company. Point being is that Geely is aggressive and has a thing for European car brands. So why is Geely supposedly interested in Lotus? Because it has the money and Proton doesn’t. Lotus is in desperate need of development cash to replace its aging… Read more »
莲花寻中国买家 英国担忧重演罗孚被购
盖世汽车网4月28日报道 综合外电报道,日前英国国会议员披露,宝腾汽车新东家马来西亚DRB-Hicom集团有意向中国公司抛售宝腾旗下莲花汽车/路特斯,已委派毕马威会计事务所在华寻找买主。英国国内显示出对此强烈的担忧。
新东家为莲花在华寻找买主 英国担忧重演罗孚被购
据英国BBC消息,英国南诺福克(South Norfolk)保守党国会议员理查德·培根(Richard Bacon)表示:“莲花集团(即路特斯)是地方性及国家的标志。它是一家著名的跑车制造商,拥有独特的传承和重要的全球设计权威性。在马来西亚政府近来向DRB-Hicom集团抛售所持宝腾控股的股权后——宝腾是莲花集团的母公司——新东家可能向一些有意收购莲花的中国企业作出响应,而莲花的制造工厂将被移至中国。”
英国《每日邮报》4月27日援引培根(Richard Bacon)发言称:“毕马威被委派授权向中国公司抛售莲花集团,这不是一个令人振奋的兆头。”目前莲花汽车的主要工厂和总部都设在英国诺福克郡南诺福克区的海瑟尔(Hethel),属于培根的选区范围。培根忧虑莲花汽车被中国企业收购后,产能会发生迁移,导致英国当地1,200至1,400人失业。
BBC还报道称,在与英国首相卡梅伦商谈停止抛售莲花汽车事宜之后数小时内,宝腾执行董事阿比丁(Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin B. Syed Mohamed Tahir)又飞往中国,为莲花汽车寻找新买主。培根在讲话中提及两家中国公司,但BBC未披露具体的公司名称。据悉,担任莲花在华销售代理商的青年汽车有较大概率属于意向买家之一。本月初有消息人士披露,莲花相关资产可能被DRB集团售予青年汽车。
英国商务大臣文斯·凯布尔(Vince Cable)25日对莲花汽车CEO丹尼·巴哈尔(Dany Bahar)表达了担忧,而巴哈尔刚从北京车展返回不到一天,在车展上其展示了一款专门面向中国市场开发的新车——莲花GTE中国特别版。英国商务部长马克·普里斯克(Mark Prisk)也强调:“莲花必须留在英国。”